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Get Rich Lucky Bitch Denise Duffield-Thomas (Book Review)

Get Rich Lucky Bitch Denise Duffield-Thomas (Book Review)

Today we’re going to be talking all about the book “Get Rich Lucky Bitch” by Denise Duffield-Thomas. If you’re interested in picking up this book at all, let me give you a little spoiler: JUST DO IT!

You don’t even need to read this post - just go buy the book. It’ll be worth it. But if you’re still on the fence, or want a little preview on how much this will change your life, keep on reading.


Get Rich Lucky Bitch is the money mindset book I always needed. The way Denise writes, I’m going to call her Denise, I don’t know her but I think we’d be friends. The way she writes is just so honest, and raw. It really kind of kicks your butt in gear! It definitely gives me ‘You Are a Badass at Making Money’ vibes and we all know I loved that book! (feel free to check that post out after this one.)

I pretty much did every activity this book recommends, and can already feel it changing my mindset around money AND business. It really helped me think deeper about all of the things I was feeling and really sparked some conversations within myself that I never thought to have.

So, why was it so powerful? Let’s get right into it.


This book is a manifestation book.

Now, manifestation is this huge thing right now, so I’m sure you’ve heard of it. But if you’re not ‘into the woo woo’ manifestation is basically that thing people talk about where they ‘think really hard about getting something and then it happens’.

Yea, I know. Sounds friggin nuts.

BUT, there’s obviously a LOT more behind it than just ‘thinking really hard’ and as I start understanding more about the concept I’ve been really coming around to the idea.I DO actually believe that there are concrete connections between the ‘woo woo mind stuff’ and what happens in the real world.

Get Rich Lucky Bitch basically walks you through that manifestation process: why it’s important, how to do it properly, and why it might actually work! This was my first real ‘dive’ into anything like this. I’ve always been a pretty practical person. I mean, I’m not sure if I totally believe yet that the universe has it’s own kind of personality and if you just ‘tell it what you want it will listen and provide’, but the way this book explains things just really makes sense to me. Just because I’m not ready for the whole ‘woo woo’ side of this thing, doesn’t mean manifesting DOESN’T work.

I think Denise knows this, and she’s not trying to get you to buy into any crazy woo woo things either, she’s just really confident in what SHE believes - and that’s infectious! I love how her powerful ‘I’m a badass woman and I’m not going to apologize’ attitude comes through on the page. It’s totally inspiring, it made me want to be better.

So, what’s the first step and how do you actually start all of this mindset work?

The First Step in Changing Your Money Mindset:

The whole thread of this book comes down to what Denise calls her “Money Manifesting Formula”. It’s a 5 step process that allows you to manifest the money and things you want in your life. But as I mentioned before, it’s not just the ‘manifesting’ or ‘the universe is great’ stuff that I really took out of this, it’s the actual MINDSET change that comes with this manifestation.

Let me explain.

The first step in this whole thing, is to ‘declutter your life’. and one of the activities here is to write down every negative experience you’ve ever had with money and forgive them.

It’s crazy! I actually did this, and I found myself writing things down on this list that I had totally forgotten about and thought didn’t effect me at all. I realized that I had a lot more resentment and weird feelings about money than I thought! ‘Forgiving’ these memories really made a difference for me.

I mean, writing them down in the first place was crazy, because it made me realize all the unconscious thoughts I was still holding on to, but actually going through the list, one by one, and letting them go, really was a relief I didn’t know I needed. Clearing out, and decluttering these emotions and thoughts, really opened up the room for positivity, and allowed me the space to let in that NEW mindset that I actually WANTED to have.

There are TONS of eye-opening activities like this, that for me, totally changed my outlook on finance. I think that I was looking for something like this. I knew the mindset I wanted to get to with money, but I had no idea how to get there. This book gives you an actual PRACTICAL process of changing your mindset around money.

One of my favourite quotes from the book, is when she’s talking about positivity. She says:

“At the beginning, it might feel forced - Like you’re pretending to be happy - but that’s ok! pretending is like rehearsing for success, your brain can’t tell the difference anyway”. p. 62

*Exploding Sound* - Mind. Blown.

That’s SUCH an awesome way to phrase that! Do you see there how she addressed the crazy feeling you’re probably having about what she wants you to do? This is why I think I loved this book so much. She addresses the pushback you’re having before you even ask it. I mean, obviously that’s her experience showing, she teaches a whole course on this and has probably heard every ‘excuse’ in the book, but I really appreciate that she includes all of it. She’s not dancing around it, or shaming you for ‘not buying it’.

She’s super up front about it. Yea, you're probably going to feel crazy doing some of this stuff. But push through that, and here’s why. I also love something she said when she was talking about goal setting.

She wants us to write down our goals to activate the ‘Reticular Activating System’ and train our brain to recognize what’s important.

“Are there suddenly MORE of your dream cars on the road, or are you just training your brain to see them?” p. 103

I don’t know about you, but that happens to me ALL THE TIME. The moment I start talking about something, or hear about it, I then see it and start to recognize it everywhere! It’s true, there’s probably the same ratio of that thing appearing in your life, you’re just recognizing where it is, and I love that this relates to something she says later on as well, she talks about being really specific to ‘train the universe’ into understanding what you want. But it works the other way too, YOU have to learn to recognize the opportunities that the universe is showing you.


Overall, I think this is a pretty kickass book.

It’s the first book where I actually paid attention to each and every activity, and I think I’m actually going to add it to a yearly reading list. I feel like I’ll need a reminder of this feeling, this is how I WANT to feel about money and I want to make sure I keep that alive.

Speaking of yearly reading lists, let me know in the comments down below, what’s on YOUR reading list? Is there something that you find yourself going back to over and over again? And what is your favourite money or personal finance book? I’m always looking for suggestions, and would love to hear yours!

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