Melissa Leong (Happy Go Money Book Review)

Melissa Leong (Happy Go Money Book Review)

This month, I decided to read ‘Happy Go Money’ by Melissa Leong. I chose this book because I’m really interested in learning more about the MINDSET behind money, and this book seems to be the perfect blend of mindset conversation and actionable steps.

“Happy Go Money challenges everyone to revamp their relationship with money so they can dial down their worries and supersize their joy”

So, what are my thoughts? Keep reading to find out!

Why I Chose to Read Happy Go Money:

Let’s start with the important stuff: Melissa is Canadian!

Ok, it’s not THE most important thing, her book is quite open actually to both the States and Canada, But I just love supporting other Canadians and reading things like ‘CTV’s Financial Expert for The Social’ and, it REALLY helps when statistics and programs are mentioned in the US context as well as Canadian. I appreciate that a lot!

That aside, I think it’s the sentiment of this book really hit home with me and made me decide to pick it up. I’ve always been on this chase of ‘how do I satisfy myself’ or ‘how do I stay happy?’ And of course, since the start of this business, and the fact that I’m a money coach, that’s evolved into this extra layer of ‘what does this look like in my financial life?’ Or, ‘what can this look like in my clients lives, and how do I teach that to them?’

I think often when we talk about money and happiness like it’s coming from that “Money can’t buy happiness” place. But that’s not totally true. More money, DOES give you more freedom, it DOES give you more opportunity, but it’s what we DO with that money that really makes the difference.

This book does a really great job of, kind of explaining that myth a little bit. Not necessarily de-bunking or addressing it directly, but understanding that happiness doesn’t come from the amount of money you have. It comes from the attitudes and feelings that you have. Which, is something that you can change.

Money Can’t Buy Happiness:

She starts off with a short introduction which basically explains her history on money and happiness, and what the book is and more importantly, what it is NOT.

“I’m not going to tell you to give up your daily latte. I’m not going to suggest that you forgo a new cell phone or that or that you don’t upgrade to a bigger home or give up your dream wedding. But let’s get clear about what really makes you happy and the kind of life you want. and how to get that through smart spending, simple saving and taking control of your money.” - xiii, Melissa Leong - Happy Go Money

If I had to summarize my coaching philosophy, I think it would be pretty similar to what she says here. Going forward in the book, she starts off with a few chapters on mindset. She talks about the relationship between money and happiness, why we sometimes think the way we do about things, how to change that thinking, or, start to change that thinking. She gives us lots of real-world examples and analogies based on her life, or relationship with her husband - Who she affectionately calls ‘mofo’ (a hilarious inside joke that you’ll get to experience if you read the book!) and speaking of hilarious, that’s one of the things I loved the MOST about this book. She’s hilarious!!

Melissa Leong is Funny!

As an example, in chapter 2, called ‘f*ck the jones’ (even that itself is a testament to her funny!)She is talking about the negativity that we can sometimes get from comparing ourselves and what happens when we hold grudges and she says:

“It’s like me after an all-you-can-eat Brazilian steakhouse meal - literally weighed down by beef.” pg. 13, Melissa Leong - Happy Go Money

This line just totally made me laugh out loud when I read it!

She also talks about inner thoughts and self talk in a way that’s super interesting, kind of giving them their own personality and naming them “Negatron” and “Optimist Prime”


Happy Go Money - Flexibility & Balance:

Apart from all the mindset work at the beginning of this book (and, let’s be honest, peppered all the way throughout!) She gives some really great actionable steps for your finances as well.

I found that it was a good mix. It wasn’t all wish-washy woo woo, but it wasn’t all ‘step 1, step 2, step 3’ either! There was a good balance of fun, and light hearted discussion and it was really freeing with a lot of choice involved. I appreciated that a lot.

I find that sometimes self-help books, or finance books, are pretty one sided, or, at least ‘do these specific things in this specific way to be successful’ but this book left a lot of space for addressing your personal wants and needs too. When she’s talking about making your budget, she says:

“Remember, you’re in control. You’re the bachelorette/bachelor and your budget is like your rose ceremony. You’re the star and everything is available for your happiness; all you have to do is dole out the flowers to the choices that truly fulfil you.” pg. 122, Melissa Leong - Happy Go Money

This is really how I coach as well, so it was cool to see that we had the same perspective on things like this. Also, you know me, I’m a sucker for a good activity! and this book is filled with tangible action steps you can actually use for your real life!

Happy Go Money - Real-World Application:

At the end of each chapter, she includes a ‘Money to do list’ where she lists things you can actually do, to implement the things she talked about in each chapter and she also lists a ‘money talks’ list, where she just has a few questions to ask yourself, or brainstorm with yourself just to understand how all the things she’s talking about are resonating with you.

Like in chapter 18, when she’s talking about retirement, she lists all the different accounts and notices you need to look into (yes, for people living in both Canada and the US!) and in the money talks section she asks us to think about what our ‘silver fox’ (our future retired self) would say to us, or what we would want to say to them.


Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot. I think it’s really great for someone starting out with money, or just diving in to the financial world, because it’s got some really good foundational mindset work that we should all think about. If you’re feeling down and dare I say, sad, about something surrounding your money, read this book. It’s not the magic fix, but it will give you a lot to think about, and it just might work!

If you’re interested in other money mindset content, check out the category ‘Money Mindset’ on my blog.

If you want to buy Melissa’s Book, visit her website.

*Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored or endorsed by Melissa Leong or any affiliates. It has all been my personal opinion and words.